Anyone else TTC with NO m/c or chem pregnancies for two or more years?

quark • 👼🏻mommy`s angel in heaven 9.10.17 | preg w/a 🌈
What other women out there have been TTC for 2 or more years and have never had a positive hpt, miscarriage or chemical pregnancy? I apologize in advance if this triggers anyone - that is not my intent. But I am curious as the majority of women I've met here who've TTC for as long as I have (2 years in June) have either experienced one of these, and are going for a 🌈👶 - and I haven't. In fact I've met more women here who are functionally able to get pregnant, but have trouble sustaining the pregnancy. I'm, however, doubtful I can even produce a fertilized ovum. I like to say my SO is firing into a black hole. Anyone else out there TTC for as long or longer than a couple years, and also lost in space?