Is my family being racist and what do i do?

lately i've realized that i am falling for one of my friends. i won't reveal his name, but he marches snare drum at my school and is also good at mallets. he's like really really attractive physically but he's also super funny and overall just a kind and caring person. the thing is my family (mostly my mom) doesn't want me to be attracted to him because i'm white and he's black. and it's really annoying and confusing because they encouraged me to go out with this one guy who's Indian. (i went out with that guy but it didn't work out). i think my friend might like me back and want to ask me out but is hesitant to. my moms family is very conservative, but my dad's family isn't. they know my friend and they all like him but my mom still doesn't want me to date him and she's said it's because he's black. my dad however doesn't really care about race he just wants him to be respectful to me and to my family. what do i do?