Would you get a second opinion?

Annie • 23 years old. Diagnosed with PCOS & hypothyroidism. Married for 5 years. Ellie Rose 💕👶🏼 & Millie Jean 💕🤰🏼
I'm 37 weeks and high risk. I have incompetent cervix, a stitch that is holding my cervix together and preventing it from dilating. To top it all off, I'm having high blood pressure. They're calling it gestational hypertension at the moment. I passed the preeclampsia blood test and urine test. It CAN develop if not watched properly. My blood pressure is higher than I think is safe. My current OBGYN is not a high risk doctor. He has consulted with a high risk doctor whenever I needed the surgery to stitch my cervix close (aka cerclage) & he is the one who performed that surgery, but other than that I've felt pretty confident in using him as my primary OBGYN. Until now. 
My only issue is that he isn't doing anything about my high blood pressure at the moment except strict bed rest. I can only get up to go to bathroom & get a snack from kitchen. I'm 37 weeks and getting my stitch removed in a couple of days. 
If I'm so high risk, why isn't he inducing me? I've talked to many different women and they were induced with lower blood pressure than mine! I'm very worried about my kid and about my health. It's not safe to have high blood pressure & I have NEVER had high blood pressure in my life. 
So would you get a second opinion? 
{For those that want to know my blood pressure, this week's readings at doctor apts were: 









*at Labor & Delivery*









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