
Hello, I'm 32 weeks with Didi twin boys 💙💙. I've been having contractions since week 24. Every appointment I've been to I always get sent over to L&D to be checked out due to contractions. I've been admitted into the hospital twice. Where I had Magesium each time and the steroid shots both times. My cervix is shortening. Week 29 it was 1.2 and they said there was no point to continue to check it. I'm a centimeter dialated and have been for a couple weeks now. I'm on complete bed rest because even walking or standing for a couple of minutes gives me contractions. On top of all that, baby B has a 2 vessel cord so he is only in the 26th percentile, he's 3 lbs 10 ounces. And baby A has Valamentous Cord insertion so he is in the 1.2 percentile, he's only 2 lbs 12 ounces. I'm pushing so hard to make it to at least 34 weeks and it I make it that far I'm pushing for 36 weeks. But I'm so worried that even in a 4 week period they won't gain enough weight ☹️ has anyone else had IUGR babies or had a similar situation?