Mirena IUD

So I've had the Mirena IUD in for about three weeks now (hurt like hell) and afterwards I continued to spot/bleed for about a week after my period. I stopped spotting for about 5 days then it suddenly started up again two weeks before my period is supposed to start. Anyways, my breasts are really tender and feel much bigger, my stomach feels bloated and swollen (I'm also I workout freak so this seemed weird). Multiple friends/family have told me my breasts seem bigger too. Not to mention once I started spotting again I get stinging painful cramps that are horrendous unless i pop 4 or 5 Advil. I'm just wondering if this is normal..... especially the breasts. I haven't been really careful sex wise because the IUD is 99% but I'm nervous now because I've never experienced my breasts this tender and big ever! I'm still bleeding off and on (sometimes really heavy sometimes barely anything the past five days) but I've also been told you can still get your period when you're pregnant 😳