Anyone else have kids while really young and wanting to start over in their 30s? **UPDATE**

Lockwood 💆🏽 • Mom of 5 amazing kiddos

I'm 32 (33 next month) and we already have three children who are 14, 11 and 7. We both want more children but are feeling a little out of sorts due to both being 33. We kind of feel "old." Now we know that in the grand scheme of things that we're far from old, but as far as having another baby, we feel like we may be getting to old. We're NTNP at the moment but are ok if pregnancy occurs. Anyone else starting over in their 30s?

**UPDATE** We got our BFP on August 24th! Baby #4 is on their way! We're both so excited and nervous at the same time 😩. Haven't told the kids yet. Will probably wait until after the first ultrasound to let them know.