After a scare, to our surprise....

Alexa • If you can give birth, you can do anything. Women are magical ✨
So yesterday morning, I woke up around 6:30a to get ready for work. I jumped up into my normal routine, went to use the bathroom and I had some very light spotting. I am currently 7 weeks and 3 days pregnant. My fiancé and I had got pregnant and had a miscarriage around this same time last year, so just to be on the safe side, we went to urgent care to check on our little noodle. We went to have a sonogram done, internal and external, before the radiologist took us back to our room. Before he transported us back, he asked us to wait a moment while he wrapped up some things, and he frantically went back and forth between the sonogram room and the urgent care. I was already a little nervous, and he already said before he preformed the procedures that he was not going to be able to give us the results, we would have to get them from our UC doctor. So as we were sitting there, the radiologist was acting very strange. By strange, I mean he kept running back and forth and smiling at the both of us, so I couldn't help but think "wtf is up with this guy" 🤔. After waiting for about 10 minutes for him to return and take us back to our room, he walks up to us and says, "it looks like they're twinning" 😳 I looked at him like he was crazy and said "they're, as in THEY are?" He put the sonogram in my lap and said "Congrats, you guys are having twins!" I went into complete shock for about 5 minutes, unable to say anything, while my fiancé just sits there almost in tears, smiling from ear to ear. God came back and blessed us with 2, non identical twins and I could not be a happier momma ☺️ just thought I would share my story to give hope to anyone who may have recently gone thru a similar miscarriage experience. DONT GIVE UP, god is truly on your side and everything will work out the way it is supposed to for you, all it takes is a little faith. One wasn't enough, so he came back and blessed us with 2 👶🏾👶🏾💕