is it considered rape?

In the summer of 7th grade I met this guy on this dating app called meet me. I was only 13, and he was 17. I met up with him and we were talking. We started dating shortly after and about a month or two into the relationship I was over at his house. We were cuddling and he got up and told me to stand up with him. He started un buttoning my pants, and I told him no, but he told me that he "knew" that I wanted it and kissed my cheek. I didn't know how to react so I let him take them off. He took his pants off and we layed down. From there he started fingering me, and that never happened to me before so I let it happen. I never said yes, but I never said no either. I didn't take into consideration that it could've been assault until almost a week later. After that I distanced myself from him. I never saw him in person after that. Long story short, he stalked me for almost two years after that. I finally got him to leave me alone after threatening to call the cops. My question is, since I never said yes or no is it still technically sexual assault because I didn't want it in the first place, he was just always so manipulative and I was really confused. I've been molested as a child by a distant family member who I can no longer charge because of lack of evidence and I basically blocked out the memory. I don't necessarily want to charge him the other guy either because I don't ever want to see him again but I just need clarity to know if I'm a victim again or not.