not right smells.

Okay so I've been dealing with this vaginal odor for almost a year now, I've been to the Dr to have a pap and have STD tests ran and all of that. They said my results come back normal!? Okay.. so I asked for some antibiotics for a BV (Bacterial Vaginitis) to try and treat it myself, and within 2 day of taking this 7 day pull the odor cleared right up! I was so thankful thinking I found a solution! Wrong. The odor gradually came back.. it doesn't itch or anything. I occasionally have creamy discharge. Just really tired of the smells and feeling like I can't do anything about it seeing as I have talked this over with my Dr several times!! 😞 
*Also* I noticed I've started sweating a lot more at night and it's leaving a vinegar smell. 
Please can someone give me some advice, a solution or a cause as to what's happening with me!? It has me really self conscious honestly..