1 hour glucose test failed miserably

So I took my 1 hour glucose test last Wednesday and failed miserably. I was told the rate had to be below 140. I tested at 184. I found out while at work so I went to the bathroom and cried like a baby smh. I scheduled my 3 hour test first thing Monday morning and spent the entire weekend stressing, looking at blogs of other mothers who tested that high and were ultimately diagnosed with gestational diabetes. I can't recall seeing any posts of anyone that scored 180 & above who did not have the same outcome. So I went in to do the dreadful 3 hour test, I almost knew I'd fail but my results came back today. I passed with flying colors. I'll still do a better job at eating now realizing just how much what I eat affects my little man but it's a load off of my back knowing that's 1 less thing to worry about. I didn't really change my eating habits, my doctor told me to just fast the night before the test. Altering your eating habits only harms you and the baby. It's better to get a true result to determine if your body is truly producing enough insulin. Hope this helps someone.