Back to work after MC not sure i am ready.


Monday I went to the ER to confirm i had a MC took monday and yesterday off. Supposed to go back today. I had the followup with the OB today which was supposed to originally be the first ob appt for pregnancy...had to tell them when I got there it was lost. Its been a mentally tough day. The OB wasnt all that caring since it was my first pregnancy and MC.

I really dont want to go. I dont want to talk to anyone but i work for a call center so that is inevitable. Plus only 3 people at my job knew. A really close friend and the other 2 are my leadership. This is going to be extremely hard. I'm already off friday so I'm trying to tell myself its 2 days of work.

Even my husband has had a hard time with everyone continuously asking or talking about it.

Was it easy for you to just go back to normal life afterwards?