
Lisa • Seth’s Mommy 💙
Hi everyone.  This is long so I thank anyone who takes the time to read it.  I am currently about 6 weeks pregnant with my rainbow baby after trying for 18 months.  My husband and I were TTC for 11 months, and found out we were pregnant in October but I had a missed miscarriage in December.  We were so excited the first time around, but now I feel nothing but dread. 
I found out I was pregnant almost 2 weeks ago, and didn't download this app until today because I'm so convinced I'm going to go to my first sonogram and there's going to be something wrong.  I don't want to get attached to this pregnancy at all, and am worried every single day.  I had HCG drawn when I first found out at 4 weeks and 1 day, my level was 60 and then 160 which I felt was low, but my doctor said it more than doubled so it's good. 
I had some cramping yesterday, but no bleeding (but I never bled at all with the MMC so that isn't too comforting).  In the evening I got a bad headache, I'm not sure if it was a mild migraine or a sinus headache, but googled headaches in pregnancy and found all these stories of  women who had a migraine and then miscarried after.  So now I'm even more convinced that I'm going to have another miscarriage.  I feel like crying.  I think about all the people I know who just got pregnant and had successful pregnancies, and I wonder why I can't be one of them.  
Anyway, thanks in advance for reading.  I'm happy to be here, but am not convinced I'll be staying.  Any ladies with similar stories and worries, advice would be very much appreciated.