my MIL doesn't want me to have a baby!

Oly • SAHM who loves movies, nerdy games, music and cooking
We were planning on keeping it a secret till week 12 (im almost to 7 right now) and the other day my MIL with her spanish accent says "you're not gonna have another one, right Olivia? Please no more, JD (my 8 month old) is already enough right?" I called my husband in and he laughed and said " no no no we're not pregnant!"  then gave me the thumbs up like we just averted disaster! ... It makes me so nervous! When you tell people you're pregnant you want them to be excited for the baby and happy for you! So hearing a lot of people warning me to not get pregnant right now and having concerned faces when we say we want another kind of a downer! Anyone else going through something similar?