bleeding after t/v ultrasound (pic included TMI)

So I had my bloodwork done, and my hcg levels were 4495. I don't know what is good for 6 weeks. Google is very contradicting. So I ran to my nearest walk on and got another ultrasound fearing my baby had stopped growing and I was having a miscarriage. 
Baby was perfect, measuring exactly what he should be. Heartbeat was great the tech said. That was at about 11am. 
Ariund 6:30 I was standing naked in my bathroom dying  my hair and I started bleeding. It wasn't much at all. I wiped about 3 times and it stopped. I do have cramps but I have a bad UTI as well. I get them often along with kidney infections. I've never bled though. 
I have suffered many miscarriages. I've never just spotted though. It's always happened when I wake up and it's gushes, like full blown period. 
I'm trying to not panic since all that I wiped was very gooey. It felt like it was all of the gel they use on the wand mixed with some blood. 
Anyone else bleed like this hours after?