To anyone considering a menstrual cup...

I see a lot of polls and questions about menstrual cups, so I just decided to give my opinion/experience. I'm 17 and I made the switch to cups over a year ago. I use the Diva cup, Sckoon cup, and Lena Cup (Diva is my favorite). I love the cup and I will never go back to pads and tampons. No they are not uncomfortable, and you cannot feel them while they are in, unless they are out of place, just like a tampon. To anyone scared about the insertion and removal of the cup, think back to the day you first used a tampon. It was scary, but everything turned out fine. It will with a cup too. You might get a little blood on your fingers but overall it's not hard to insert/remove. If you're on the fence about trying one, just go for it. They are worth the cost, and healthier for your body and the environment!