I think my son has allergies!

I think my son is staring to get what seems like seasonal allergies. I have a ton of environmental allergies myself so I'm sure he might get that from me. The pollen level is pretty high in our area right now and the past few days my allergies have been awful. My son has been sneezing like crazy as well the past few days. His nose has also been runny and it never has before. He doesn't have any symptoms of actually being sick. Just sneezing and runny nose. His eyes have been a little watery looking too a few times. I'm wondering if I call his doctor if there is anything to give a 7.5 month old for allergies or if he'll just have to sneeze a 100 times a day lol I'm planning on calling his doctor tomorrow but I'm just curious of any other babes seem to be having allergies?