he hurts me and makes me feel like SHIT!

He hurts me so much. He messes if my emotions so bad. Before you start reading this, let me save you time and say he keeps fucking with my emotions and I'm so dumb and won't do anything about. 
Here's some of the story... He says he will go to prom with me but then at the last minute he says he doesn't want to go with me anymore because he is going with someone else. At prom their date wasn't going well so he called me and told me to come and of course yes I went because I wanted to go. After that I got emotional and I sent him a video and telling him it's not okay and things like that and he sent that video to the whole school. I've never felt so embarrassed in my entire life. Then he blocks me and tells everyone rumors about me and then the very next day he texts me and says he's sorry. And I say "it's ok" when really it's not ok. Then I asked him if we could talk and he said sure, so he said after school the next day we will go in his truck and talk. But little did I know that he was going to bring his friends. It made it completely weird and was acting like its my fault. So I had enough of this but for some reason I still like him so of course I always forgive him. Then later that night he called 7 times in a row trying to get a hold of me then kept texting me saying that he called me a lot and stuff. I was busy so I couldn't answer. I wasn't ignoring him I was just busy. He keeps saying he's sorry but yet he hurts me worse each time. I'm not sure what to do and I don't want to cut him out of my life because I love him and I don't think he knows how much I like him. I just can't stop talking to him or it will hurt even worse. Any advice? I'll take anything