no movement 😩

I am 39 weeks and 6 days, due tomorrow. My girl has always been super active. She will be my second and she is much more active than my son ever was. Yesterday, I noticed she wasn't moving around much. I had a non stress test last week because I hadn't noticed her moving much, and she did awesome. However, last night during a kick count I only got 2 kicks in an hour. I didn't worry myself about it too much because it was pretty late (like 2am) so I thought she was probably just sleeping, and I myself had fallen asleep for about 20 minutes of that hour 😂. This morning, I felt her hiccupping, which made me feel better. Then around 3pm or so I realized I hadn't really felt her since then. So I decided around 4 to do another kick count. I ate a little bit ago and even had some of a chocolate milkshake. I have been laying on my side for an half hour now with not a single movement and I'm getting a bit nervous 😥. I'm going to finish out another hour and see what happens, but if I don't get some good movement here in another hour, I'm going to the hospital. Any thoughts??
UPDATE: I went, baby was fine luckily! Bummed because I was hoping they would just want to induce me or something, I'm tired of this 😂