Esshh • Happily engaged to my best friend • Always thanking god for my blessings 😊

November 2016 - May 2017..

Massive change. It may not be a big change to some people but, not having a sore face from the deepest pimples I have ever had feels amazing! Some days I feel like I haven't changed that much, comparing these photos makes me realise that I have changed dramatically. I have always struggled with Acne. I was on nexplanon BC for 8 months, gained 9kgs in 8 months, got very hormonal. The top 2 photos, I was so depressed about my acne, I didn't even want to see my fiance, I was so embarrassed and I felt disgusting, I felt ashamed to be his fiance and felt like nobody should ever have to look at me. Bottom 2 photos, I have never felt this good,i don't feel like I'm a burden on my partner and I am so happy! What you see on my face now is Pigmentation, it is most definitely going away after some time. I got off nexplanon in December, I still had acne. I stopped drinking alot of milk, best decision ever. I'm now down to 57kg without even trying to lose weight, and I feel amazing. If you are struggling with acne, look into your diet, drink more water, cut down the sugary foods and dairy. Remember you are still beautiful no matter how you feel!