Positives please

Hi everyone. I'm looking for some positive stories and experiences please. I went for a private scan on Saturday 20th may and all they could see was an empty sac. They said that either the baby wasn't developing or I was further behind and maybe my dates were wrong. I started bleeding the next day and freaked out completely. I went to a & e and they said there was nothing I could do but they did book me in for an early scan on he following Wednesday. I later realised maybe I was bleeding due to the internal u/s. i went to the doctors on Monday who referred me to the gyno and they told me my cervix was still closed but again they couldn't do much else since I was having a scan on Wednesday. I started to get some discharge and what looked like a small brown clot on Tuesday. Went to the doctors again and she said it didn't look like it had any tissue in it. We took it to the scan on Wednesday and she confirmed it was just a clot. They did the scan and they now so a yolk so the baby was developing. We were over the moon at this point. Wednesday evening, I started to bleed heavily and passed quite a few more clots. I was devestated as this was the worst bleeding I've had so far. We managed to catch one of the clots and took it in to epau and they again said it was just a clot. No tissue. I have been bleeding on and off and have also been cramping quite a bit. I have read a few stories where people have bled and their babies have been fine. Has anyone else experienced something similar and had their baby be okay? I go for another scan on Thursday. Thanks in advance