My period pisses me off!! Diet pills??


Sorry for ranting.

I never know when my period is showing up!! I used to start around the 18th then it's been starting later and later and later. It's getting later and later every month. My little sister had moved in with me and figured I was sincing up with her cuz I started having my period as she ended hers. But now she is on a birth control and will no longer be having her period or just very little of it. But now it's the 28th and still no period the month is almost over and I'm hoping it's a no show but everytime I hope it shows up. My period gets so bad that it will arrive a week to 2 weeks late. I never know when it's actually suppose to arrive so I try to wait as long as possible before I test to make sure if I'm pregnant or not. And OMG!!! It never fails literally right after I test it starts.

But I'm freaking out right now because the month is almost over. And I'm trying out these diet pills and wanted to ask y'all should I stop taking them till my period shows just incase? Would it even do anything this early if I am pregnant? I know nothing about pregnancy..... but I just want to be safe incase I am.