not on birth control and haven't used condoms

I recently got off my mirena about 4 months ago it affected my moods and weight and overall health and I've tried many other types of birth control and the side affects are always horrible and it dsnt seem to be healthy way of living BUT of course I still want to have sex , the guy I've been with for over a year is use to me being on birth control and well he hates using condoms and I'm always left feeling so parinoid that I could get pregnant but nothing of the sort has happened yet not even close I'm wanting him to use condoms but it just seems like he's almost insulted if I suggest we do even though I know it's the best option for us right now. I don't think I'll ever get back on BC just for how awful it made me feel and how much better I have been without it. Not sure what to do :/ any thoughts or suggestions go ahead it would be helpful for me to hear thank you !