what were your symptoms?

I tested today at 12 dpo, negative. AF due in 3 days. Today is the only day I've started to have symptoms of either pregnancy or af.
• EXTREME fatigue. And I mean to the point that my eyes have been heavy all day and I slept a lot. 
• Cramping. At first like period then turned into sharp pain on one side.
• Nausea 
• no appetite 
All of these are new for me. Usually before af I break out real bad, which I did about 4 days ago but it cleared up, I also usually have really bad mood swings and I haven't had any. Obviously no one here knows, just curious! 
I've been pregnant 3 times. 2 of them I felt no different and 1 of them I had pain so bad I was in the hospital and that's how I found out.