Homeless and pregnant

Ok so my bf and I were sharing an apartment with one of his friend, this guy started to texting me really inappropriate things but we had to let it go due to my bf is not making enough money and I can't work :( then my bf car broke but everything "ok"... then the Sunday my bfs mom decides to text our ex roommate telling him the piece of shit he was (she was right) but he kicked us out with not enough money a broken car to far away( my bf worked really far away from home) so he wasn't able to make it there anymore... we're heading to his moms house but I'm afraid that's gonna be worse... she doesn't work she has no money... I hate this situation I wish I'd get some money to fix her car so my bf can get a job... 15 weeks pregnant 🤰🏻... not going well 👎😭need help!