Anatomy scan was great!


So yesterday, Tuesday the 30th, we had our Anatomy scan. We already knew baby was a girl, as it was revealed through genetic testing at 13 weeks. I was 19 and 1.

But i had been worried that something would happen just before we got to see her. Once again, i worried for nothing, baby girl is fine! She measured at 9 oz, and on point for her due date.

Took the technician a while to get the picture of her 4 chambers, only because she was facing the wrong way. She did get it though, but gave me a heads up that since the doctors would just be receiving a still shot, and not a video, they may call me back in for another scan to get some better pictures. No worries though.

She also tried to get baby girl to move her hand so she could get a good face photo. Baby girl kept her hand by her face nearly the entire time. At times we saw that she was sucking her thumb, other times she just had her hand on her head as if she was sick of us taking pictures. We got to see her stretch out, and finally got to see the joys of a 3d ultrasound first hand.

All in all it was great! Our 4 year old came with us and was very excited and happy to see her, talking about how cute she looked. Pur older som, 7 years old, got to see a video we took of it when he got home from school. He was also very excited.