Opinions please.


I'm four months postpartum, and I'm not on birth control. We want four children, eventually. We're not trying, but not really preventing either.

I haven't had a period yet, but I'm still nursing around the clock.. and with my other two i didn't have a period until they were a year old.

I know this is going to sound crazy , but before I ever find out I'm pregnant I dream that I'm pregnant, or about the ocean and fish..

Well for two weeks now I've had those dreams... my boobs are also a little sore, and I've been nauseated on and off for a week.. and I've been cramping, and the past two times my husband and I have had sex I cramp afterwards.

I've taken two test and they were negative.. but I've also taken them in the afternoon and not with fmu. I have a gut feeling that I'm pregnant, but I'm not far enough along to test positive in the afternoon.

I feel like on the test I took the other day I saw the start of something, but then again I have really bad line eyes. I always think i see "something." Lol

I'm gonna test again in a week or so..

Opinions , am I just seeing things?