pay my taxes for what??

So I've been trying for well over a year to get pregnant. Took a lot of talking me in to going to see my GP about the fact that there's been no joy yet. 
After 4 large vials of blood have been taken from me I'm told that:
1) the nurse did my 2-5 day test rather than the 21 day test like she should have 
2) because I'm 5 months off of turning 36 I don't qualify for any treatment 
3) because my husband has a child from a previous relationship that automatically zeros out our chance of getting any kind of treatment (medication or <a href="">IVF</a> or anything) on the NHS so if we want it we have to pay for it!! 
My husband had his son 8 years before we met, why should I be punished for that? And what difference should it make if we are struggling to conceive anyway? 
It makes me so mad that all my results were ok and they could send me off with a course of some kind of boosting tablets and it could work but no I get punished because he made a decision 14 years ago! 
Someone seriously remind me why I pay my taxes? It's certainly not for the healthcare I'm apparently not entitled to and yet there are some "kids" who have 6 different kids by 6 different dads before they hit 30 and continue to do it because of the benefits money they get who wouldn't know good parenting or how to love their kids if it smacked them in the face and they get to carry on this way?! 
I just want one. One child of my own to love and take care and this is how I get treated? Well done UK. Tell you what I'll pay double taxes next month just because I like growing money away. 
Sorry emotional fuelled rant over.