Baby measuring right on track, except...


I had my anatomy scan yesterday where we saw baby, found out were having a little girl, and were told she's measuring right on track, except one side of her brain. One side measured at a ten and the other was measuring at 11. We talked with the high risk doctor who told us what it could have been caused by, virus, baby not moving its head to one side to drain it, maybe where it drains is just to narrow or it could be an extra chromosome. We had our NT scan and blood draw that showed everything was fine so I'm not to worried about an extra chromosome. We did the Harmony testing and some other blood draws and are now waiting on results.

Has anyone dealt with this before? The high risk OB said I need to have another scan at 28 weeks to see if it goes up, stays where it is or goes to 10. I'm not to concerned yet since it's only 1 over, I just would like to hear some others experiences.