Okaii you guys be prepared to read...

Okaii I just gotta get it off my chest as I had been for the past couple of days. Not sure which to follow my heart or my mind right now or shall I say back and forward with it all. Lemme explain a little my SO and I have been or had, been together for a little over 3 1/2 years. We'll at the ending maybe early park of March early part April, he'd left to go to Cali to get things started to make a way for me, well everything had been rocking like any occasional realtionships go thur...but I mean we made it work for the most part. Now might I remind you it's only been 2 months now since he's been gone...well like I said we've had our ups and downs way before he'd left. We'll recently he'd called me last Thursday which was the 25th or 26th I think, when I was in my night class. So I'd told him I'd call him back class wasn't over yet. So nothing sounded out the ordinary, so he was like just txt me than...so I said okay and we hung up...so maybe 30 min later iw as released from class and I txt first than called, well the phone rung and rung...and than later that night before I went to bed i tried calling him back no response just str8 to voicemail...so I said well hell call back later or tomorrow...so friday came around no txt no call, phone did the same thing, so I'd actually thought maybe he'd block me but why, but than I started researching to see if there was anyway to tell if he had blocked me but I wasn't blocked his phone was basically off..and it's not the fact that he didn't have mins I just had sent him his minute card from his phone company so..the phone is on, but just turned off...so okay I said well saturday morning I'm off work and I know he is too so he'll answer I was WRONG the phone still was going directly to voicemail...so I got worried I called all saturday the same thing...so sunday came around I called his phone company they'd told me too they'd seen no activity since like thursday as well of last week..so I was just worried and more worried maybe he's in jail, or worser than that. But I'm like if something did happen his mom would've notified me by now, so I searched the net facebook, insta everything to see if a relative of his jad posted anything because he'd been off social media way before he left from here in louisiana so I couldn't check on his pages..but I didn't see anything on his relative neither...so Monday came phone still voicemail and Tuesday as well that's all this week..so I finally called his mom she'd told me the last time she's heard from his was last week too and she claimed he told her that if she doesn't hear from him sometimes that means his phone off but one 1 sent you a money pack with the mins already loaded and 2 why is the phone still actively on if it was suppose to be off but still just voicemail...so she claimed she call me back and let me know if she hears anything...if haven't heard from her yet should I call her or just wait it out...i mean it's so much we been thur that it's like I wanna move on but than I can't because I don't know for sure what's going on, and I forgot to add he's staying with relatives in Cali I think that's his mom's brother. So that's why I was like she'd know something or if she can't get to him I'm sire she can get to her brother and find out what's going on. But I mean the past days I'd cry and grt over it all over the same thing day after day. If he doesn't want me why not just tell me instead of leaving me stuck in my feelings and if something is wrong with jail or anything why not anyone tell me, or he at least call me and If your phone broke there's a lot of ppl phones you can use to call...and to top it off he was suppose to come home on the 9th of this month well June.. im not even sure how to feel anymore...and he still has my house key as well...I'm emtionally drained...