boyfriend penis peeling 😳

Okay so I'm 32 weeks and I can't do oral like before but it's just weird to me now like I can't do what I was doing before I was pregnant.. I joke and tell him Eslyn (our daughter) doesn't like that lol. But anyways .. when I do give it too him I've been feeling like sore spots on his penis (not like bumps) but it just feels different a couple nights ago he told me don't hold it too tight because his forskin sore .. I said why he said he don't know .. okay so last night I go to start and it's all this white dry skin peeling off his penis I was like what is this and he just saying idk idk and he did ask me was that bad but I'm like idk I don't have a d*ck! So I mean I really don't know if I should be worried of something he doing or something else with his health.. what you think ladys