need hope please!!!

Feeling so down right now. I think we missed my ovulation this month. I was 5 days late last month and assumed my cycle would start over as normal and ovulate between cd 16-18 so we planned for our donor to give samples cd 16-21.  He had a bday trip planned this week so it worked out well. Except I think I ovulated as if I wasn't late last month and I'm so sad about it. I think I got an as close to positive as I was going to get opk yesterday morning ( didn't seem quite positive yet to me ) and then today for the first time in my life had some light pink spotting which I'm assuming was ovulation spotting. Tonight unnoticed my cervix was super low which google says is what happens after you ovulate.... 😭😭 we don't get our first sample until tomorrow evening. By then the egg will be done for. 
Anyone get a bfp after BD omg 24-48 hours after ovulation? 
Give me a glimmer of hope please