
I know this topic is about "Love & Sex", but I would like to discuss a fear of mine. I have a pretty big fear of wrecks and/or causing a wreck. One of my biggest fears is living with a miserable life long guilt, and I know hat causing a wreck would cultivate within that huge fear. I am 18 years old, and yes I have drove through towns. However, I haven't very much (I live in a very rural area) & I am so scared of messing up or doing something wrong. All the lanes, all the cars, all the noises, and every different sign seems uncontrollably overwhelming to me. I am smart, I know I can drive through town and be victorious, but my fear of all the 'what ifs' overwhelm to the point of pure confusion. Is my fear completely childish or a huge weakness? I'm just hoping to get advice, opinions, and/or personal advice from empathetic experience connecting to a fear similar towards mine. Thank you in advance!