Need your opinion ladies!!

My hubby and I have been TTC since November with no such luck. In the beginning I would test every month with negatives and began to get super discouraged, etc. Long story short, I haven't tested in months. 
I got a new job and have been fairly stressed out. I also have a cold now. I got my period like a week early. I had light bleeding for 2 days (Tuesday & Wednesday) and the rest has been spotting. Today so far nothing. I did not have ANY period symptoms. No sore breasts, no cramps. It's been light enough so far that I only wear a liner to bed. This is NOT my norm. It's usually heavy 2-3 days and then tapers off. I usually have sore breasts for like 3 days leading up to my period and horrible cramps the first day. 
My dilemma- should I test? I don't know if I'm just wishful thinking or if this is most likely because of stress or maybe because I have a cold. What do you it's think? Anyone else have a similar situation when they were pregnant?