7dpo... too early to test!?

I am sooooo nervous to test because I am afraid it won't show yet... I've been having crazy cramps for the past three days though. Could it be implantation? Ahhhh so nervous! 😩 anyone else also in their 2WW!?
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I know this is wayyy late but just thought I'd share that I did in fact fall pregnant in June! Took a while to show up on the tests but I'm 18 weeks now! 😃


Kayla • Oct 18, 2017
Congratulations!!! When are you due?


Ka • Oct 18, 2017


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Mine were all negative until I was supposed to get my period! Then BAM!


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I tested 6 dpo and got a positive. Had severe stomach ache and went to the doctor. He did a test... and it was clealy positive!


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I caved in and tested and of course got a negative 😒😩 I will wait until AF is supposed to get here to be sure next time. I have a feeling this is my month though! 🙏🏻


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I would try to wait until 9 or 10 dpo! Keep yourself busy to take your mind off it!


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Mine were negative every day until 12dpo (started testing around 7dpo)