I am so overjoyed. 😍

I absolutely cannot believe it! I'm still in shock and have proceeded to place all four tests next to my bed so I can see them anytime I please. My period was only two days late which is NBD considering they're already irregular. I decided to test because I wanted to prove to my husband that it was "just my cycle and I'M NOT PREGNANT" and after a year of no luck and countless negatives, it's almost frustrating how quickly those two lines popped up. 😂 I wasn't having any symptoms other than heartburn after I eat and some mild cramping on my left side. My husband was so happy, he cried. I don't know what to do with myself! I've been battling my PCOS and the pregnancy difficulties that come along with that but God has really blessed me on this one. I go in next Tuesday for my confirmation but I think it's safe to say that I'm growing a little poppy seed. 💜