sexual abuse.

Almost 2 years ago, I was sexually abused by my ex (we were together at the time) 
I have only told close friends what had happened to me. But it took me 3/4 weeks after the event to realise what had happened. 
My sister was the only one I talked to about it in the beginning and she made me realise it was sexual abuse and I dumped him on the spot. 
I have no regrets leaving him. It impacted me mentally at first, right after we broke up my mum and her partner broke up and I couldn't focus or do anything. 
I felt alone and scared. 
I was weird about being touched for a little bit and the person that I was with after that was very understanding and took things slow. 
I am now completely comfortable with being touched and it has since then not impacted my sex life, I made it past the fear.