
I have had 8 miscarriages over the past few years, the first one made it to 13 weeks and the last 7 have been chemical pregnancies between 4-6 weeks. After tons of blood work and I finally found out that I have mthfr gene mutation, slightly high homocysteine and I also have a clotting disorder called antithrombin III. I immediately began taking daily baby aspirin, extra folate and folgard. I found out I am 4 weeks pregnant today and I have been put on 200mg of progesterone 3xs a day and tomorrow I will begin lovenox injections. I am super overwhelmed with all of this, but I'm hoping this will work for me! I just want my body to be able to carry a baby!! Prayers are appreciated! I need all the baby dust and good vibes I can get!!!💙💚💛💜
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Congrats and sending prayers. Wish u all the best and a blessed pregnancy.


Posted at
Hi there, I know this post is old but taking a chance, I had 2 miscarriages last year and had multiple blood work done to find out I have MTHFR and Antithrombin. I’m still waiting for my appointment with a Maternal Fetal Medicine specialist next week. Do you have any additional insight and when did u start taking your medications? I’m super worried as I don’t know what to expect.