TTC after using the pill for years

Becky • 2.28.18 🎀👶🏼 Currently TTC #2 ❤️
I am 26, married for a little over a year now, and we are ready to TTC (yay!!!) I finished my last BC pack on May 27th, had normal withdrawal bleeding, and now we are TTC. I have read so many stories about it happening right away as well as many about it taking a long time, so I have no idea what to think. I don't want to stress myself or over it, especially since we are just beginning TTC and who knows what we could be in for. My doctor, however, told me that my first month off BC would be my "most fertile" month, which is why I waited so long to get off. Hoping and praying it works! 🙏🏻❤️
Please share your stories and advice if you went through the same thing with getting off the pill and TTC. I would really appreciate it!