

What is wrong with me? I'm 7w3d and I cry at the drop of a hat. Mostly when I talk about being pregnant or the baby... I thought I wanted this baby. I had been waiting for 7 years but now I'm not so sure. I hope that's just hormones talking... Idk. So far this journey hasn't went as planned; my boyfriend and I tried for sooo many years. We broke up about 2 years ago and I just so happened to get pregnant with a hookup. I use to look down on people for getting an abortion and now I can understand why it would be a choice. Especially for a teen. I'm 25 but just not financially ready for a baby. I have so much credit card debt that I pay out $500 a month just in credit cards. I kinda feel like keeping the baby is a selfish choice but also an abortion is a selfish choice... I think I want this baby but idk how I'm going to do it on my own. The father already has 5 kids. He is a great dad. But he's 36, and didn't see himself having anymore children. I called him crying the other day because I didn't want to do this alone. He told me I was alone in the sense that I'm single and we are not together but that he would be there for his child... I kinda feel relief when he says that but also feel like I shouldn't set myself up to be disappointed.

Anyways is it normal to feel so emotional and torn and the "can I really do this" feeling?