Can men be in abusive relationships?

I love my girlfriend and most days we have an amazing relationship. We’ve been together over 2 years and things have always been her way. I’m not allowed to see my friends, I have to sleep at her house every night, she tracks my phone, any kind of notifications on my phone she has to see (which is all the time), she controls my life, what I wear who I talk to. If I try to talk back I get beaten, if I even question things she beats me again and threatens to leave me. I’ve put up with this for over 2 years and I don’t know what to do. She constantly puts me down and tells me how worthless I am and how I’m never going to do anything in life. She told me several times to just go kill myself. I’m so troubled and confused. Why must this be so stressful?. Someone tell me what to do.