Can't help my but hurt and cry.

I had a tubal reversal done is Feb of this year. They were only able to reverse my right tube had to take the left out but still have the ovary. My husband and I have been ttc since then. 2 months ago they found a 6 cm cyst in my right ovary. Went back last week. That cyst was gone now I have 8x6x6 cm cyst in my left ovary. My doctor wants me back the first of july to rescan and possibly surgery. I can deal with that okay the. We start fertility treatments good right? Well went went down to his parent this weekend no big deal til tonight. My husband and I were talking about what we were going to fed the cattle before we take them to be butchered. Out of no where he said oh yeah btw my brother and his wife are expecting in Nov. My heart broke into a millions pieces. See his brother hates kids never wanted them now they are having one. I can't help but feel hurt and upset. We have been through so much and now I just feel like I am fighting a losing battle. Really he tells me that while we are talking about cattle. Then he tries to make me feel better but just makes it worse. I try not to be mad or upset at him but I am. Like really why would you tell me that I really don't care. They are on the other side of the US. He don't like me anyways. I just want someone to understand me and not treat me like I am crazy.