Accidental home birth shock nearly 3 week on!

Lee • Ellie Caroline 23/05/17 💞
So when I was just approaching my due date (may 23rd) I had absolutely no signs I was going to go into labour anytime soon. I hadn't even experienced braxton hicks! I was adamant I was going to be at least a week late. But I tried eating spicy foods anyway, walked everywhere, even tried sex when I couldn't stand my other half! On the Monday morning (may 22nd) I woke up around 4 in the morning with horrendous back pains that started taking my breath away, they were on and off until around 6 at night but had gradually got weaker and weaker. I was so hoping it was the real deal! I started bouncing on my ball hoping the pains would come back but they eventually faded off completely, when I went to bed around 11.30 i went on the loo and lost my whole mucus plug, I could tell it was the real thing because I'd been losing bits of it for a few days but this was huge. Plus I'd seen other people's on here, the excitement was back in full force but I tried to sleep anyway. At around 1 in the morning (may 23rd) the pains were back with vengeance. I was in agony, lying on the floor crying and shouting at my partner to do something. After two hours we went to the hospital to see if they'd examine me and hopefully tell me if I was close to having my baby since the pains were getting really intense. When we got there the midwife basically told me I was in pre labour and I should go home, take a bath and wait until the contractions start going into my lower abdomen, like a period. So I did. Around 4 I had the worlds shortest bath, it did help but not much. When I got out I was exhausted, my other half told me to try and get some sleep then we'd go to the hospital again in the morning but my body had other ideas. The pains were about a minute apart, still all in my back and I was on the floor crying again. I knew this time I needed help, I couldn't stand up. When I finally crawled to the toilet, I felt like I needed a poo so I pushed, heard a huge pop and realised it was my waters. Screamed for my other half and immediately started to panic. I somehow made it downstairs and was ready to go to the hospital, but then the pains started again and I fell to the floor. I physically couldn't stop myself from pushing. My partner stood over me in our downstairs bathroom while I cried and screamed and I could tell he was scared, he phoned the hospital and for a ambulance but the I knew it was too late. The woman on the phone asked if he could see the head, he could. That's when it dawned on me that I was having this baby at home with no pain relief, no doctors, no midwives. Everything was going through my head, what if my baby come out and she wasn't breathing? What if the cord was round her neck? Suddenly I felt a huge urge to push, my partner guided the head out with one hand and held the phone in the other, I've never been so scared, all I remember is saying sorry over and over again. With my third and final push, out came the shoulders and the rest of her body. Then after a few short seconds but felt like a lifetime, our gorgeous baby girl let out a huge cry. Never felt so relieved in all my life! Around 5 minutes went by and she was still attached to me but the ambulance finally turned up, cut my baby from me and put her in my arms. I was shaking like a leaf and my blood pressure was through the roof but all I remember feeling was a huge woosh of love. My partner did so well but he had to go outside and throw up😂 I got taken to hospital with my baby to help deliver my placenta and everything was fine! We got discharged the day after. 
I can honestly say it was the scariest day of mine and my partners life but my god what a story to tell our baby girl when she's older.  I never got pains in my lower abdomen at all, still waiting for them now 😂 it was all in my back but it was my first baby and I didn't know what to expect anyway! From my waters breaking to my baby girl being born it was only about 10 minutes! Just shows you, doctors and midwives don't know it all! We did just fine without them 😉
Ellie Caroline. Born at 5.10am on the 23rd of May weighing 7lb 13oz