baby name drama.

So I'm pregnant with a baby boy, I've always loved the name Anthony, I will be spelling it differently but don't want the focus on that right now. Anyway, we are also loving the name Marshall suddenly and daddy and I adore it. The middle name will be Douglas regardless. So the options are Anthony Douglas or Marshall Douglas, my mother had an absolute freaking cow when I told her we were thinking of changing it to Marshall. She HATES my fiancé and Marshall is his middle name, the baby will be getting his last name of course, we're freaking engaged for crying out loud, and she's mad that I want to give the baby his middle name too. I'm talking screaming yelling mad. Wtf? My mother is disabled, I care for her, she lives in my house I pay all of the bills she has 0 income so there is really no way to avoid her or her "humble" opinion. She talks to my belly almost daily, she loves to talk to him and typically I don't mind. But since I told her the other name she intentionally says hateful things like "don't worry your father won't get his way YOUR name is Anthony!" When it was my idea in the first place to use Marshall. Or "I'll just call you Anthony anyway your  parents are just being stupid" seriously? I've stopped letting her talk to my belly as silly and stupid as that is I just don't understand her issue! It's MY child!