Anyone experience any sort of rash like this??? 6wks6days and it started over the weekend and has spread across my stomach and has started to move to my back. It itches SO bad! Calamine seems to be the only thing helping.

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Oh yeah. I got a rash real bad it started on my chest and spread to my back and stomach and up my neck! It looked like hives. I stopped taking my prenatal vitamin and switched to a regular multivitamin with similar vitamins/minerals + a calcium/fiber supplement and it SLOWLY (like a month) went away. It has not come back. My stepmom had the same thing from vitamin b supplements when pregnant. Try switching up vitamins if you can


Stephanie • Jun 13, 2017
Interesting! I've been taking my prenatals for about 4 months now (dr wanted me to take them before conceiving) and never had a problem but maybe now my pregnancy doesn't like them. Worth a try


Posted at
Could dermatitis but just got to figure what is causing it 


Posted at
I get this on the back of my calves every winter and sometimes the summer depending on how dry the air is. I'm pretty sure mine is eczema but haven't gotten it tested. I used Vaseline triple therapy lotion and in two days it clears up. I've read that dry skin is common in pregnancy though.

Posted at
Is it eczema? I got it really bad on my chest with our son and now that we're expecting again it's starting to flare back up. Hydrocortisone helped to clear it up for me. 


Stephanie • Jun 12, 2017
It's very possible, I have a history of that and psoriasis so it wouldnt be crazy I have just never had it on my stomach and it's never continued to spread but with pregnancy it's all weird!