Do you think teens are becoming more tolerant?

Kealey 🚨👮🏼🍝🏳️‍🌈🇨🇦 • Demi- Pansexual • wannabe randi • meatball head • Ex- Jehovah's Witness • Pro-CHOICE • pro-drugs • GAD & Depression • 16 years old • Polite Canadian until you piss me off •
So apparently this weekend we put up a LGBT pride showcase:
And literally everyone was so enthusiastic about it!! We had a recent influx of Christian students as well and all of them are 100% supportive of the LGBT community. Our GSA meetings are totally full all the time. And we do things to celebrate our LGBT members. Like last Friday free colourful popsicles were given up. And for the few people who are hated on, people actually stand up for them. And the unnaccepting people shut up and leave. Some people actually stop being friends with them, but most try and teach.
We also have 2 known ftm transgender people, who are treated like boys by most of the population.
These were just examples for my real question. Do you guys think teens are becoming more acceptable and tolerant of the LGBT community?
I think yes. Sometimes even more so then adults. Most likely because we're raised around it now. Its more normal. Schools sometimes explain it.