My 6 hour labor story

Sarah • Wife 8/31/18 and mother to a perfect little girl 5/31/2017 and little boy 10/4/2019. Pregnant with our 3rd Due September 2021. We were expecting twins but lost baby B early on.
It all started May 22. I had my OB appointment and was the first time getting a cervixal check. I was 36wks 5 days. I was 4cm, 100% effaced, and had a bugling bag of waters. I only had light period cramps. My doctor sent me to labor and delivery. After being monitored for 2 hours my doctors decided to give me the steroid shots because they didn't think I was going to make it to 40 weeks. I took a day off work and cut back on my hours to kept my baby girl in a bit longer. At my next appointment, on May 31, I mentioned I had mild contractions but they weren't timetable. She checked me and I was 7cm. Back to the hospital we go, but this time we were going to leave with our daughter! I got admitted  thirty minutes my fiancé showed up. I got an epidural then they broke my water. Within 4 hours was at 10cm. My doctor had me bear down for an hour. Where you just let your body do the work so hopefully you don't have to push for long. I pushed for an hour and 15 minutes. Total my labor was 6 hours! I couldn't believe it! Born at 1059 May 31. Mia was 2 weeks early but is doing wonderful!