Father's Day.

I finally know what I'm going to do for Father's Day. We are taking my dad and his out to dinner. But I wanted to do something for my husband. Here is what I'm going to do:
I'm going to get a canvas and write 'I Love Daddy' in big pretty letters. The 'V' in love will be her footprints (example below). We are taking her one month pictures a few days before so I'll be sure to get one of the two of them so I can print it out and put it on the canvas. I also found a poem I like to put on as well. 
This is what I mean by the 'v' being her footprints. 
This is the poem I found. Sorry it's a little blurry. 
What do you guys think? 
I wanted to find a book for him as well (not a kid book). Does anyone have any ideas? Like a daddy/daughter book?