4 1/2 hours, ONE push!

I am still in shock and disbeleif! My beautiful amazing baby girl is here ! Monday morning I had a 39 week prenatal check. 1 1/2 cm (no change from two weeks prior). We talked about an induction for the 21st and she did a membrane sweep. I left the appointment feeling like the cramping and BH contractions I had all weekend were just a fake out and she was going to be staying in for a while! I hadn't heard many success stories from membrane sweeps so I kind of had my doctor do it on a whimb. I felt no contractions or anything after and went home and bounced on my yoga ball a bit feeling pretty depressed to be honest! Around 230 I took my dog for a walk around the neigborhood for about 15 min and started feeling small but uncomfortable contractions that I could walk and talk through. I started timing them and they were between 2 and 5 min apart. I went home and had a snack and was still feeling them so I decided to take my dog for another walk. (With the hopes of keeping things going !) This time they were slightly stronger. The whole time I was in complete denial. I was convicted they would go away and I would be disappointed again. I called my husband and told him I felt like he should come strength home after work just in case and he told me to call my Ob just in case. She told me to check into labor and delivery. Still, on the phone I asked her what if they just stop coming??
 She laughed and said go either way. Denial! Anyways. It took some time for my husband to get home from work and us to hit the road. He called me a couple times on the way home and I still kept saying I'm not sure I really don't know if I'm
In labor. They kind of hurt but I feel silly ! 
By the time I got to the hospital and was in pain. Starting to convince myself it could be the start of something.  Enough that I couldn't talk through the contractions. It was about 6:00 now. She checked me and said I was 5 cm and fully effaced. I could nottttt process this ! I was in complete denial! She said do you want an epidural and I said I don't think I need one but I might later in and she laughed and said now or never, the baby's coming! My husband and I just kept looking at each other in disbelief! 
Things progressed really quickly from then on. Anesthesia took some time come by and the contractions started coming with a vengeance. I hadn't really practiced breathing techniques or anything before hand and had to just kinda wing it! She checked my again at 7 and I was 8 cm with buldging waters! During the check she ruptures my waters by accident because they were so low.By the time anesthesia got there I didn't want to even open my eyes. The contractions were intense and back to back. I got the epidural and ended up with a partial lower left quadrant window. Aka. I felt absolutely everything on the left side. I couldn't get comfortable and there were no breaks inbetween contractions anymore. They placed the foley and things just kept getting more intense. She checked me again and said her head is right there time to push. I looked at my husband in complete disbeleif.
The doctors rushed in and in between the most painful contractions I rolled on my back and pulled my legs to my chest. Anesthesia arrived right around then to give me another dose for the left sided pain but I didn't even care anymore! I could feel intense pressure. The doctor told me to push, so I pushed. It was so relieving to push through a contraction. I could feel her head descending and powered through the push. 
Meet baby Sullivan. 5 pounds 14 oz of pure perfection. Born at 745 on June 12th at 19 inches long. Born at 39 weeks and 1 day. 4 and a half hours of labor. ONE  push. No tearing, and after 30min of skin to skin she was rooting and latched on the first try. As for me, I'm still in complete shock! We are so in love 😍😍😍