Feeding at 4 Weeks 🍼


My son has just passed the 4 week mark. Just out of curiousity, how often are your 4 week bubs feeding? And if you're able to tell how much, that would be great! Thanks 🍼👶🏻
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My son is nursing around every hour for about 8-15 minutes during the day. At night he generally goes anywhere from a 2-3 hour stretch twice a night. Anyone else nursing/feeding that much?


L • Jun 17, 2017
I will say that we introduced a pacifier yesterday and that allowed us to stretch out his feedings- it's been amazing!!


Julia • Jun 15, 2017
Yes! She just started this recently, they said that it's them increasing our supply


Hailey • Jun 14, 2017
i am nursing as much as you are sometimes i feel that like thats allbindo all day but its well worth it


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4oz of breastmilk every 2-3 hours


Sadie • Jun 14, 2017
Same here


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My LO just turned a month and she's been on 3-4 oz every 3 hours during the day and wakes only once at night to eat. But the past two days she's been draining 4 oz bottles almost every feed so I've been offering another 2 ozs if she's still rooting around and she's been drinking another 1/2-1 more ozs a few times a day now. She is a peanut (6.9 at birth and only 19 inches) but she was 8.4 last week and I bet now prolly closer to 9 lbs this week so I think it's normal at this stage they're gonna up kick their intake. I'm still surprised that small body can hold that much! 


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My baby girl drinks every 2 to 3 hrs if she naps it's usually 3hrs I give her 2 ounces and she drinks all of it


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I have a one month old and she's eating every 2-2.5 hours sometimes even 3.. when I nurse her it's usually 15-20 min on one side and maybe 5 on the other if she even wants the other.. when I give her a bottle of expressed BM she eats 3 oz. good luck! 


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4 ounces every 3 hours or so. I feed on demand


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My son is 4 weeks as well and I'm breastfeeding him 10x in 24hrs.  When he dies take a bottle it's usually 3oz. 


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My little girl is eating about 3-3.5 oz of breast milk every 1.5 to 3 hours. I normally try to breastfeed her, but sometime mommy has to pump. 


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Thank you for all comments, appreciate the insight! x