She is here 😍😍😍

Zina β€’ BSc, MFA, and now doing my PhD. I love school, just in case you can`t tell :p Couldn`t have done it without my hubby next to me.

Yasmina made her debut at 2:42 am on 06/13/2017

Labor started at home at noon the day before and cobtractions kept getting stronger, longer and closer together.

Water broke at 11:30 pm, got into the hospital bed at 12 am. I was already 8 cm when they checked me! So epidural and pain management options were out the window 😭

She and I are both healthy. She is 6 lbs 12 Oz, and 19 inches tall.

She is feeding great and is such a good calm baby 😍😍😍

This delivery was a breeze compared to the 41 hour labor I had with my first πŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆ